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Este libro, dirigido tanto a interesados como a aquellos que buscan consolidar sus fundamentos, desglosa el vasto universo de las artes marciales en doce pasos esenciales. Desde el enfoque mental necesario, pasando por las precauciones para garantizar una práctica segura, hasta las aclaraciones sobre los mitos y realidades de estos sistemas centenarios.

  • ¿Por qué practicar artes marciales?

  • ¿Cómo distinguir entre las distintas disciplinas y escoger la que mejor se adapta a ti?

  • ¿Cuáles son los riesgos y cómo prevenir lesiones?

A lo largo de sus páginas, la "Guía básica para la transformación marcial" responde a estas y muchas otras preguntas, proporcionando una visión clara y concisa que te ayudará a emprender tu viaje marcial con confianza y sabiduría.



Primera entrega de la serie de cuentos infantiles para contar estirando. La mejor forma de que los más pequeños no se aburran con el trabajo de estiramiento es contarles historias inspiradoras que les ayuden a relajarse, a interiorizar valores y a disfrutar de un momento que es mágico al finalizar la sesión.

Una práctica que realizamos habitualmente en el segmento de Kung Fu Play al terminar el entrenamiento. Cuentos divertidos, llenos de acción y relatos derivados de la tradición marcial y filosófica china. Valores fundamentales para desarrollar empatía, equilibrio interior y conformar el sustrato narrativo de responsabilidad que todo artista marcial necesita.

​Son cuentos para contarles mientras ven las ilustraciones y disfrutan de las historias y sus desenlaces.

Esta colección mensual ofrece múltiples títulos y todos ellos responden a necesidades reales de educación marcial, aspectos que difícilmente pueden mostrarse en estas primeras edades del entrenamiento.


Among the multiple manuals that we incorporate as teaching material for training, the reinforcement notebooks  They play a fundamental role as a contribution to solo practice.

Having help to remember details, concepts and definitions of the practice is something that has always been important to us in our training project.

Making personal training operational always depends on having security elements about what is done, how it is done and why it is done.

These manuals are adjusted to the criteria established for each level of practice, and also allow  the student to complete their practice diary with annotations and reflections on each theme or content addressed in the room. 


We incorporate the student folder into our practice materials for students.


A set of materials that includes information on the discipline, on the training program, level structure, content, etc. Also the document filing cabinet (diplomas, cards, degree certificates, etc.).


The training diary is also included in this student folder so you can take notes from the first day of practice, a great tool for knowledge and memory.


It also includes some very useful surprises for students and practitioners of traditional Kung Fu at our school.



Study manual for children's students with the five forms of initiation animals of our school.


An interesting volume with magnificent illustrations by our colleague and artist Juan Antonio Bolívar with which to remember, practice and study these magnificent initial forms of southern boxing.

The handbook is available upon request to all students who request it. Its delivery is digital, although we recommend its printing to know in detail the forms and to be able to work with it anywhere we are.



Heir project of the old school newsletter. We were enthusiastic about the idea of tackling larger articles, a format that would allow content to be collected and also adapted to a more dynamic and useful reading system.

With Martial Soul we begin a new phase in our dissemination projects including new lines of content and expanding the spectrum of common themes in our different spaces on the network.

If you are a student of the school or you are interested in our topics, you only have to subscribe on the main page and we will send you periodically  the document download link.

MARCH 2018
APRIL 2018


Martial Summatory has been the definitive commitment of our school to provide, within the framework of our students, resources for complementary training to classroom practice.

Aware of the need to personalize physical training, to give a specific format to the model necessary for each person, we have created a program of technical publications to respond to this need.

The martial summation manuals address individual practice at different levels of intensity and focused on the different qualities that need to be emphasized.

From the development of specific strength for the legs to models of meditation at home, all the proposals we develop seek to generate practice adherence in our martial artists.


Among the multiple manuals that we incorporate as teaching material for training, the reinforcement notebooks  They play a fundamental role as a contribution to solo practice.

Having help to remember details, concepts and definitions of the practice is something that has always been important to us in our training project.

Making personal training operational always depends on having security elements about what is done, how it is done and why it is done.

These manuals are adjusted to the criteria established for each level of practice, and also allow  the student to complete their practice diary with annotations and reflections on each theme or content addressed in the room. 


Among the multiple manuals that we incorporate as teaching material for training, the reinforcement notebooks  They play a fundamental role as a contribution to solo practice.

Having help to remember details, concepts and definitions of the practice is something that has always been important to us in our training project.

Making personal training operational always depends on having security elements about what is done, how it is done and why it is done.

These manuals are adjusted to the criteria established for each level of practice, and also allow  the student to complete their practice diary with annotations and reflections on each theme or content addressed in the room. 

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