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Jorge Soriano

Kung Fu and Taijiquan teacher

Professional and teaching career

Trained as a Taijiquan coach at the Tibet Gymnasium with the national teacher Miguel Padrón, he acquired the title of regional teacher in this art by the Andalusian Federation of Fighting and Associated Modalities, as well as in the Physical Preparation School of Granada in the national department and international martial arts.


In his extensive experience, both pedagogical and sports, there are training courses with some of the most renowned professors and masters of Chinese martial arts, both national and international: Fidel Font Roig, Chan Kwok Wai, Tong Kuan Yen, José María Domínguez, Yuan Hong Hai, Wang Yang, Thomas Cantegrit, and Wang Bo; He also received additional training by Master Huan Kan Hui in the traditional Chen style of Taijiquan.


In his first years of training and education, he participated in some  competitions being a gold medal at the Andalusian Championship of Chinese Martial Arts held in Córdoba in 1991 in the Tao Lu modality, Chang Chuan, a gold medal at the Andalusian Championship of Chinese Martial Arts held in Córdoba in 1991 in the modality of Taijiquan, traditional Yang style and bronze medal at the Spanish Wu Shu Championship held at the National Institute of Physical Education in Madrid in 1995 in the Taijiquan modality.


In his professional career, he began as a teacher of Chinese martial arts at the Tibet gym (Málaga). 1993 and 1994, Taijiquan teacher for the Malaga fencing school. 1994 and 1995, Chinese martial arts teacher at Los Rosales school (Málaga) 1996, Taijiquan teacher at the local group of La Cala (La Cala del Moral-Málaga). 1999, deputy technical director of the Kan Li Sports Center since 2003 and advisor in Taijiquan training at the Department of Internal Styles of the National Association of Chinese Martial Arts Clubs since 2006. Since 2007, he has been teaching Taijiquan at the artistic school of the Fluxus movement, both for beginners and intermediate groups as well as teachers interested in delving into this discipline.

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